business owner in a coffee shop preparing drinks

Google My Business Management

Grow Your Business And Connect With Local Customers

Google My Business Helps Your Business Grow


Google My Business has become insanely important for local businesses. It’s a fast, easy way for customers who are looking for products and services – to find your business.

It shows up on mobile, on desktops, and on maps anytime customers search for your business name or queries related to your product or service. Your business is EASILY accessible.

And it takes work – lots of it. Consistent posting with good brand and copy messaging. Google My Business Management helps remove this work so you can get back to business.

Get more calls

Link your phone number directly from your listing.
An easy, easy way to get more calls.

get more visits

People locally can see how close they are to you. Great for out of town customers that won’t see you otherwise.

Get more views

If you work hard on your online presence – Google My Business is a big help in rankings.

get more sales

This should make sense. More calls, more foot traffic, more views – more sales.

Get back to your business and let me handle your Google My Business listing.
Just call me your Google Business Manager!

Google My business image for tinkerlytics gmb optimization services

What Is Google My Business?

Google My Business is a free business listing service from google. Most businesses that have been around for a while likely already have a listing – automatically created by Google. Once you have a GMB listing your business can show up when people search on google or if they are using google maps. But with our services, we can increase the rank of your business and your ability to get new customers.

Why do I need a gmb listing?

It will help you attract customers, without question – When fully optimized with regular management.

It’s a HUGE opportunity to show up where your regular website can’t. It allows you the ability to increases your organic search rankings – or gain a competitive advantage over those who don’t. A GMB listing shows up on the first page – BEFORE the organic results and just under the ADS. It’s PRIME real estate for eyeballs.

Google Web Search Example

Google Web Search for Apple Repair Bend after Google My business Optimizations by Tinkerlytics.
This is a search for “apple repair bend’
and this is how a Google My Business Web Results Looks

Google Maps Search Example

Google Maps Search Results after GMB Optimizations from Tinkerlytics
This is a search for “apple repair bend” in Google Maps
and how the businesses are displayed.

Call Me Your Google Business Manager

Let me Optimize and Manage Your Google My Business Listing

46% of searches have local intent it's important to use google my business management to get local searches

Google has shared that 46% of searches have local intent – that means almost half of all searches on Google are for a local area. That’s huge!

Google My Business is becoming – if not already is – a critical tool for any local business that wants to rank higher in search results. Mixing a well-optimized and active GMB with a killer local SEO strategy and your business will dominate search results. The higher you are in search results for terms that make your customers buy – the higher your sales will be.

Google My Business Services

GMB setup + Optimization


Get a new Google My Business or claim one that is started for you. Every GMB asset will set up to the best of your business. Includes UTM tagging for tracking campaign management in web analytics.

gmb Lite


Monthly Google My Business Management. Ongoing optimizations targeting new opportunities. 1-2 Weekly posts including catchy images and good copy targeting products and services.

*Requires Initial Setup and Optimization

gmb skyrocket


Monthly Google My Business Management. Ongoing optimizations targeting new opportunities. Daily posts including catchy images and good copy targeting products and services.
Get in front of your customers every single day.

*Requires Initial Setup and Optimization

What You’re Getting With GMB Management

Image of Sales for Online marketing and google my business management

a digital marketer focused on sales and revenue

Sales is the goal, right?

We can talk about traffic, clicks, and KPI’s all day, and we probably will. And these are good – like really good to keep track of – but it ALL must relate back to sales and revenue.

I understand, and so should you, that I cannot control the entire sales funnel, The best I can do is help fill it up. More About Me Here.

seo copywriting for google my business management is very important

A Certified Direct response copywriter

Get the WRITE message to your customers.

It ALL starts with copywriting. If your messaging is off – you’ll have a very hard time getting customers. Copywriting is the new SEO. Get someone who gets it.

I’m a certified direct-response copywriter. I enjoy writing sales copy and informational copy for great products and services. Sales pages, webpages, ads, etc. Writing that communicates what you’re about. Connect with me on Linkedin.

Google my business management reporting analytics

I LOVE data

Data is where you’ll find out what’s working and what doesn’t. I do web analytic installs and implementation – and commonly help out on forums with common problems.

You’ll get reports – detailed if you want, or just a summary. Either way, I need to use my reports to guide your Google My Business profile rankings. If you’re a data person – you’ll appreciate it.

Check out my other services.

ready to get started?

Fill out the form below. If you have questions ask – or call me during business hours. Just google Tinkerlytics Bend and I’ll pop up in the GMB section.

GMB Services – Select One

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